Cedar Fence Planters

· July 2, 2020

Cedar Fence Planters

I built two cedar planters to sit between the posts of our backyard fence.

The first planter I installed a plastic gutter to hold the soil and save the effort and weight of filling the entire planter with soil. We planned this for plants that don’t need much root space like greens. The second planter I installed landscape fabric on the bottom, built in more support and drainage, and we filled entirely with dirt and planted peppers.

Cedar Fence Planters

The first planter I assembled with screws. The second I glued and nailed together. As you can see the glue has failed - I learned that certain glues will not hold well to cedar because of the oils it produces. Once the growing season is over I plan to empty this planter and re-glue it with an appropriate glue.

Cedar Fence Planters

Cedar Fence Planters

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