Giant Seesaw

· March 14, 2014


A very large Seesaw I built for fun.

I built this Seesaw to bring out to my friends recreational property in Wisconsin. I don’t recall the exact dimensions, but I think it is about 20’ long. I cut a circular hole in the middle of the main beam and installed a galvanized pipe as a pivot.

I built the base in my basement out of 4x and 2x material.


It turned out to be quite heavy, so I had to ratchet it up the steps.


I installed a U shaped pipe handle by both seats.


Overall it has worked well.

The base is rather narrow, but less tippy then I’d expected when used on level ground. I would next time pour some concrete or stake it in with rebar.

The handles could use some padding - as you can get pretty airborne and come crashing down on the seat, and need to hold on tight.


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