I built a little seed library - like a little book library but for sharing seeds during the gardening season. I cut some cedar down to small thin planks and used the table saw to make little tongue and groove joints, then assembled everything and trimmed out the door.
I made the door out of clear plastic with a small wooden block attached as a handle.
The flat roof is plastic and caulked around the seams to keep it from leaking into the interior. Then the roof could be filled with soil and planted with flowers. This was a good idea, but in practice has been difficult - it is too shallow to allow for much root space and also dries out quickly as a result.
I welded up a frame with some square stock and painted it black. We remove the seed library over the winter and install again in the spring.
Some plants planted on top. You can see the little seed packet containers I made, also from cedar.
I ordered an little metal sign to install on the front.