Rocker Board

· January 31, 2021

Rocker Board A Rocker Board, or tilting platform to provide a better “road feel” for my bike trainer.

Rocker Board

I traced a template of my current trainer footprint onto a cardboard box. I only traced 1/2 of the outline, I could flip the template to ensure both sides of the cutout were a mirror image.

It took some work and trimming to get my template to a size and layout that allowed for cutting both top and bottom pieces out of a single 4x8 sheet of plywood.

Rocker Board

After tracing the template onto the plywood, I cut 1/2 of one section. Then I used a router to duplicate that 1/2 to the other section, and then use those two sections to finish routing the remaining 1/2 of the other section.

This worked well and they turned out to be a good mirror image and both sections identical to each other.

Rocker Board

I marked a centerline and drilled 5 holes along it to attach vibration isolators which allow for pivoting along the centerline. I also drilled 2” holes for the inflatable balls that will limit how far it can pivot.

Rocker Board

Test fitting the top and bottom.

Rocker Board

Centering the trainer on the rocker board to mark holes for mounting it securely.

Rocker Board

Bike installed on finished rocker board.

It has worked well so far, I’m still adjusting to it, but think it will be more comfortable a typical “rigid” setup.

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